New Beginnings

Change is polarising. Some embrace it willingly, while others reserve only disdain. It can unite strangers and yet, also pull lovers apart.

Change can bring about pure joy and happiness, as with heart-wrenching loss and sadness. It sometimes comes unannounced like an uninvited guest, leaving a mixed bag of emotions upon everyone. And at other times, change is a seed that has been sown and waiting to break through the earth – just as the farmer has planned.

Change came for me in both unexpected and expected ways. There were pleasant occasions and an equal amount of darkness. It flew me to new lands and into the arms of my partner. But it also took away security, stability and familiarity. There were hellos and goodbyes. Tears and laughter over bittersweet moments. A whirlwind of emotions in the extremes. I lost count on how many good or bad days I have had ever since I moved. 

Change, however, needs time. It might happen in a split second, sweeping you away by gushing currents of life. Or it will drag by in a slow burn that you have no idea that change is even coming. For me, I live in two different parallel timelines. In one, I am served with life’s little chances so quickly that I barely have time to reflect. The other is a torturous wait of not knowing if I would be able to stay in this city.

Café Birke is born out of change, necessary and not. I needed an outlet for me to stretch my creative muscles, even if I barely have the time to rest. But like the new city I’m calling home now, it’s a change I welcome with open arms. So, here’s to more fiddling in the kitchen and whatever change it would bring…


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